Aligning intentions to actions through the personal accountability of choice…protecting ourselves, our friends, our family and our community from preventable regret, harm, crime and trauma through youth-led peer advocacy.
You Choose
The YOU CHOOSE program takes an innovative, shared social-project approach to wellbeing and pastoral care for teens, which focuses on peer-advocacy skills as integral to changed behaviours and attitudes. Participants are positively uplifted to protect themselves, each other, their family and their community from preventable regret, harm, crime and trauma by aligning their intentions to their actions.
Using passenger and driver choices as context, the program is developed to reinforce and complement specialty courses in all harm prevention and safety. YOU CHOOSE places participants into profound personal reflection about connections between intentions, choices, actions, and the people they profess to protect and to love. They are equipped to give each other permission in advance to speak up and to act in favour of good choices in moments-that-matter; and to genuinely understand how impulsivity and passivity block intentions from actions.
An initial presentation phase is supported in-class with Teacher-Student Resources. These are professionally aligned to the Australian Curriculum for ongoing wellbeing or pastoral care lesson work throughout the school year, and include assessment and leadership frameworks. A highly qualified YOU CHOOSE Teacher Support Manager is available to assist teachers with program facilitation queries and guidance required to optimise outcomes. Youth Advisors – teens who have recently participated in the program – ensure that relatability, authenticity and messaging are accurately calibrated for 15 to 18 year-olds.
The Award winning YOU CHOOSE mission stimulates young people’s instincts as social change agents, by challenging Australia’s legacy teen culture myths like ‘it’s part of growing up’ or ‘we’ve all done it’; and by acting to optimistically shape their personal worlds for the better. Luck and passivity are replaced by choice and accountability. One student, one friendship group, one school, one family, one community at a time.

“My mates and I did the YOU CHOOSE program in Year 12. In the two years since, there have been at least three times that the program has come up between us. Speaking out in real time about our choices, because we’ve already agreed to call each other out when we have to. For sure, it blocked the kind of behaviour that often wrecks lives. No other course we did, ever made us actually talk to each other about stuff…” Eden, age 19